Same Neighbourhood, Different Block.

169 Park Street South Melbourne VIC 3205

(700m WalkinG)

On 1 February 2025, Ethos Psychology said goodbye to our home in Cecil Street and relocated around the corner to 169 Park Street, South Melbourne. Our new space is more modern, with city views and the same cozy, homely boutique feeling we love to provide. While it’s bittersweet to leave the space where our journey began, we’re excited to welcome our clients into our new home.

We will ensure that clients are aware of our new location.


Ethos Psychology acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land, sea and community on which we work, the Bunurong Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Eastern Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to elders past and present and extend that respect to all First Nations’ People.


You can contact us at your earliest convenience to book an appointment where a referral is not required. Often we recommend to obtain a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) alongside a referral letter through your GP to be eligible to receive a Medicare rebate per session. We kindly ask that your MHCP and referral letter is emailed to admin@ethospsychology.org or your GP is able to fax it directly to us on (03) 9923 2734. Please visit our Fees and Rebates page for more information.


We are a team of Psychologists that are clinically endorsed and registered professionals. We offer psychological counselling over a full range of mental health disorders and a variety of special focuses. We are aware that Psychology Practices are booked out for the next 6 months -1 year and waitlisted although we have expanded our professional team to meet the demand. We now have both Clinical Psychologists and Registered Psychologists available for an immediate start.

Rachel Goh

M Psych (Clin), M Psych, G Dip Psych, BA Psych (Hons), MAAPi, MAPS.

Founder and Director, Clinical Psychologist, Board Approved Supervisor

Zeynep Kor

M Ap Psych (Clin), G Dip Psych, BA Sci, MAAPI, MAPS, MACPA, MAIMA..

Registered Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Registrar

Nishie Govender

M Psych (Clin), M Prof Psych, BA Psych.

Clinical Psychologist

Jeniffer Munoz

M Psych (Clin), M Psych (Org & Ind), M Cog Behav Therapy, B Psych.

Registered Psychologist


M Prof Psych, G Dip Psych, BA Sci Psych (Hons), MAAPi.

Registered Psychologist

Karen KAM

M Soc Sci (Clin Psych), B Soc Sci (Psych) (Hons)

Registered Psychologist


G Dip Psych, BA Commerce, IPPA, MAPS.

Registered Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Registrar

Della Tanri

M Psych (Ed & Devt), G Dip Psych, G Dip Earl Child Ed, BA Psych.

Registered Psychologist, Educational & Developmental Psychology Registrar


M Prof Psych, G Dip Psych Sci (Adv), B Biomed Sc (Hons), MAAPI.

Registered Psychologist

Bilingual Psychologists Available | Languages

English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Turkish, Spanish.


Psychological assessments are conducted by Ms Nishie Govender (Clinical Psychologist) and Ms Su Gorkem (Registered Psychologist) that are formalised assessments for diagnostic clarification.

The formalised assessment process may require multiple testing sessions and comprise of various assessments to administer, which is dependent on the presenting issues. Please note that the assessment process is comprehensive and involved where a formal report will be provided based on evidenced based practices and diagnosis. See Psychological Assessment page for more.


Please visit our FAQ’s page for more information, as we’re likely to have an answer for your question there.



169 park street South MElbourne VIC 3205

Now available 5 DAYS A WEEK, Monday to Friday.


Phone Number: 0412 239 759 | Email: admin@ethospsychology.org | Facsimile: (03) 9923 2734

All photography is by Rachel Goh unless otherwise stated. See About Rachel Goh.